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Automated Exercise Assessment and Enhanced-Learning/Teaching Experience using MATLAB Grader and the MATLAB Live Editor


One of the biggest challenges in STEM-education is the creation of motivating teaching materials including appropriate coding exercises for the classroom and assignments for homework. Additionally modern STEM-education requires the ability to monitor the progress of the participants in real-time to assess the learning outcomes. The main benefit of real-time observation is the ability to adapt the content accordingly to better address weaknesses of the classroom in an agile manner.
To address the first challenge, the creation of motivating teaching materials, you will learn how to generate digitalized interactive teaching materials as opposed to standard handwritten lecture notes (Word®, PDF, etc.). Such digitalized teaching materials foster engagement with the courseware by enabling classroom-courseware interactivity. In this workshop you will use MATLAB® Live Editor and MATLAB® Online to create and maintain interactive courseware materials. To address the second challenge, the automatic grading of exercises, you will discover how to replace the manual process of providing and correcting exercises through digital means. In this workshop you will apply MATLAB Grader™  to enable automatic grading/automatic feedback and real-time classroom observation. Moreover, you will also learn how to integrate and use MATLAB Grader assignments into your Learning Management System of preference (Moodle, Canvas, ILIAS, etc.) to complete a seamless learning experience.

Networking Education in Germany

Current research on education topics addresses a variety of directions in Germany. Researchers are reporting papers related to teaching methodologies at Universities supporting online learning, Gamification strategies,  project-based learning, soft skills development, to mention some. Considering the amount of recent work presented at conferences and journals by german researchers, this workshop aims to network better research groups from different universities across Germany.
In the Workshop, we will coordinate sessions between participants on joint topics to meet common interests. We will also provide a summary of reported research in the community and opportunities for funded projects in Education. The IEEE Germany Section will also launch a call for funded projects in Education among universities. We hope participants find an opportunity to extend their networks and coordinate further research directions among pairs.